About me:

I can help You, if:
- You need a personalized exercise program.
- You have decided to start exercising and do not know where to begin.
- You have back pain – acute or chronic.
- You have any chronic illness (dizziness and headaches, diabetes mellitus, arthritis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cancer, osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis, prolapse of the pelvic organs, incontinence, nerve damage).
- You are recovering from a heart attack or heart surgery.
- You are recovering from an injury.
- You are preparing to give birth or recovering after it.
- You want to learn about handling – how to take care of your baby, how to lift, carry, dress it correctly, etc., in order to help your baby develop.
With what and how can I help?
- With information. You will be able to learn more about your topic of interest, such as what you can do to reduce symptoms and feel better.
- Create an individual exercise program and teach it.
- With support. You will always be able to count on emotional support and a kind attitude.
I have graduated from the Riga P. Stradins University, and have a Master’s degree in Healthcare, my professional qualification – physiotherapist. I have many years of experience in the field of rehabilitation – conducting individual and group sessions, lecturing and teaching.